If you are looking for a trusted ministry that is making a difference in many lives, then Bethesda Community Baptist Church is a great place to invest! All gifts are important to us – no matter the size – so please help us transform our community with your gift.
We are a not-for-profit 501 (c) – 3 corporation and all gifts are tax-deductible and will be properly receipted at the end of the year. If you would like to make a contribution donate to the P.O Box below or online by e-check, credit, or debit card. Click on the PayPal Donate button and follow the instructions.
One hundred percent (100%) of your tax-deductible gift will be used to meet the many pressing needs of this ministry and our community, for the glory of God. Thank you for supporting the Kingdom’s work of saving, and restoring souls through Bethesda Community Baptist Church!
Please consider the following as you proceed:
All donations are made in a secure environment.
- Information provided by our donors is kept strictly confidential.
- All donations will be accepted using PayPal’s payment processing system in the future.
We are able to process.
We welcome you to donate to the following:
Bethesda Community Baptist Church
P.O. Box 8442
Phoenix, Arizona 85066-8442
Servant Keeper Member Portal Access for BCBC Members
Our contribution software is called “Servant Keeper”. Your family’s membership and contribution information is now available to view online on their website.
- To view your information, you have to receive an invitation from the church. Invitations are only sent to official members. You will receive an invitation via email.
- Your invitation will be an email coming from: If you have not provided an email address for the invite, please email your information to
- You will click on “Manage My Family” where you will be prompted to create a password to log in. (Please write this down because the church will NOT have your password.)
- Your family information will pop up. Click on Profiles and Giving History – you can access information as an individual or as a whole family.
- You will have the ability to update your name, address, phone number, email address, etc. You can even upload a picture of yourself and/or your whole family.
- You will also have the ability to look at and print your contribution statements for any year as far back as 2011. To do so, click on “Giving History”, “Detail”, or “View & Print” (or you can save to a PDF file)
- The red circle at the right of the screen is for logging out.
- If you have issues after you get your invite – please contact us at
- Note: Please allow at least 2 weeks before looking for monies to post to your profile.
For future access to your profile, please create a Bookmark, save to Favorites OR go to: to sign in again.
GIVING: You can also make online contributions or set up recurring contributions through the portal. You will select the “Giving History” link to access the online donations page.